Dopamine dressing
Fashion Lifestyle Men

Dopamine dressing

​​Our collective courage as human beings has truly been tested in the last 18 months; life has changed immeasurably, and for many, the experience of this pandemic has been difficult to say the least! All the while, we’re trying to maintain a sense of normalcy. 

It is remarkable to witness the resilience of people from all walks of life coming together to envision a safer, better world. To us, this includes one that’s more colourful! Honing in on the vibrancy of colour to bring back the joy in our lives, especially through fashion, is part of our ever-evolving ethos at Zando. We want everyone to feel comfortable in their skin, honour their bodies and express their identities – and what better way to do that than with clothing, shoes and accessories?

Colour psychology is a scientifically recognised branch of psycho-analysis – and much research has been done in understanding our relationship to colour. We perceive the world through a spectrum of colour that informs our relationship to the world around us, and understandably colours evoke emotions and feelings for people in a very interesting way. With this in mind, here are some colours to consider for your wardrobe in the warmer seasons ahead!

Pink is often associated with femininity, and holds certain creative energy that reminds people of love and romance; it can also be seen as quite youthful, yet that might just be the remedy we need for these serious times? Perhaps a pink garment will bring back fond memories of being young and carefree. 

Orange is a very spiritual colour; it is associated with the sun, as much as yellow is, and many cultural traditions draw on the colour orange for protection during difficult and uncertain times. One only has to think of the gorgeously draped monks of Buddhism in shades of ochre and tangerine.

Green is the most natural colour, particularly as the most common hue that we can recognise around us on the planet. Chlorophyll, the aspect of plants that produce the green shade in plants is vital for our survival – so maybe this summer, being drawn to green also can be a way to connect to the environment? From lime green to emerald and moss; there is so much to choose from! 

White is associated with summer in fashion as it denotes a sense of coolness and lightness; especially in fabrics such as linen or cotton. During the colder months, we might not be drawn to white as it is a cooling colour – so this is a vital colour to consider for when it gets hot under the sun, as we long for the summer season to return.

These are just a few of the many colours identifiable by the human eye – the spectrum is vast, and we encourage you to invite colour in your wardrobe as part of your personal style this season. We are all in desperate need of small acts of reverence for the world we live in, even when it feels chaotic and overwhelming, and colour is a truly powerful way to do that. 

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