
Skincare Tips to Keep Your Skin in Top Form Through Seasonal Transition

As we know, seasons change, and so do the reactions our skin have to it. Fight the changing elements’ effects on your skin with very simple, everyday acts that in the short of it can make a long-term difference in the quality of your skin.

1. Hydrate

Drinking plenty of water might sound like something overstated and daunting, however, it’s probably the simplest way to ensure your skin doesn’t move from normal to dry, or even oily, over night. Your skin maintaining the right pH levels assist it in ensuring your skin doesn’t either dehydrate from possibly high in salt foods or become oily from an access of lack of water in the skin. If you want to create a habit for yourself for drinking enough water, try having a glass of water for every glass of juice/coffee/tea/etc. that you have. At some point, you will subconsciously do this, leading to your skin remaining hydrated at all times – including the colder the seasons.


2. Vitamin D

For your skin to stay healthy, it requires a certain amount of Vitamin D. This can be acquired in a couple of ways: A) taking supplements such as Vitamin D3, or B) exposing your bare skin to the sun. Now with this, one needs to be aware of a few variables – ideally, we tend to try and avoid the sun due to disadvantages such as getting burnt or skin cancer – however, the best form for acquiring enough Vitamin D naturally is to expose yourself to the sun. Pending on your skin tone, where you live and the season of the year, it could take anything from 15 minute to a couple of hours to acquire enough Vitamin D naturally. Rule of thumb in this case would be to aim for mid-day, when the sun is at its peak and time yourself for a 30-minute natural dose. This should assist the skin in naturally creating the Vitamin D it requires to nurture and protect itself.


3. Exercise

Exercising does a lot of things, one of those things is assisting your skin to stay healthy and protected. When you exercise, you encourage healthy blood from through your system. This includes the flow of nutrients and oxygen carried by blood, to working cells throughout the body, including the skin. This could be considered a type of cleansing technique for your skin from the inside out. Your regime does not have to be extensive; the idea is to encourage blood flow, some perspiration and slightly increase your heart beat rate. So, perhaps morning/afternoon jog? Even a stretch class for about 30 – 45 minutes would do.


4. Wash, Rinse, Tone, Repeat

A great cleansing ritual is standard. There is no way of going around it. You should be washing your body at least once a day and your face at least twice a day. And it’s simple: Dampen your skin, apply a cleanser (soap), lather and exfoliate, rinse and repeat. For your face, you should include a toner, regularly, to assist with the removal of dead skin and dark spots. Try to exfoliate your face once a week or use a mask every other week. When using exfoliators, try and go for products that contain micro-granules, if any at all, as these can be abrasive against the skin, and in actuality becoming counteractive to the skin. Try and keep your products the same for the year, but with seasonal changes, you might have to change an element or two to something that assists your skin to work with the temperature and moisture in the air changes.


5. Keep It Moist

After all is said and done, the bottom line comes down to the moisturiser you use on your skin. This is the element that will either assist your skin to stay healthy through the day as you put your body through its paces, or fail it and you. Find a balanced moisturiser is not a train-smash. Key things to look out for include products that are water-based instead of oil-based. Look for a product that contains preferably an SPF factor of 25 or more, albeit an SPF15 factor is good enough, especially when coupled with an actual sunscreen product. Body lotions or creams that restore, heal and create all-day locked in moisture are ideal, as you want a product that will prevent dryness during the day while ensuring your skin maintains an even tone and stays firm. In this instance, I’d recommend a product like Vaseline MEN Even Tone Cream. It’s fast absorbing cream has a non-greasy finish and contains Vitamin B3 and an SPF10 factor. Definitely one of the best on the market at the moment.

Remember, your skin is your body’s largest living organ and its protection. It’s vital to take the utmost care of it as without it, your body has very little chance of survival against the natural elements on this planet. Eat healthy, be healthy, drink plenty of water, prevent excessive exposure to the sun and nourish and protect your skin with the right products.


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