Style Guides

Tips To Make Kids’ Winter Wear Last Longer

Winter is upon us, and getting your kids ready for the chilly season can sometimes feel like a daunting task. You want to keep them warm without piling on too many layers that might restrict their movement. Investing in good quality fabric is key, as it will keep your children warm without the need for excessive layering. At Zando, we understand the importance of durable winter wear for kids. Here are some top tips to help you make those cosy outfits last longer.

Understanding the Moths That Can Attack Clothes

Moths can be a real nuisance, turning your kids’ favourite winter clothes into damaged goods. Knowing which moths to look out for can help you prevent an infestation.

1. Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles feed on natural fibres like silk, wool, fur, and leather. They can also target cotton and linen if the fabric is soiled. These pests can damage a wide range of winter clothes, making them look worn out and unusable.

2. Webbing Clothes Moth

These moths are weak flyers and prefer dark, undisturbed areas. They stay close to infested garments and can cause significant damage to woollen items, including your child’s favourite jumper.

3. Case Making Clothes Moth

Similar to the webbing clothes moth, the case making moth carries a silken case with it, which can discolour fabrics. They are equally destructive, causing noticeable damage to winter wear.

How to Store and Preserve Kids’ Clothes Properly

Proper storage and maintenance can significantly extend the life of your kids’ winter clothes. Here’s how to do it right:

1. Regular Brushing and Sunlight

Brush your child’s jackets, jumpers, and sweatshirts at least once a month, preferably outside in the sun. This can help prevent moth damage.

2. Use Airtight Garment Bags

Store blazers and winter dresses containing fur in airtight garment bags. Adding naphthalene balls or other moth repellents can provide extra protection.

3. Keep Pets Away

If you have pets, it’s even more important to brush your child’s winter clothes regularly. Pet fur can attract cloth moths.

4. Clean Storage Area

Make sure the storage area is clean. Regular cleaning can help keep moths and other pests at bay.

5. Limit Washing

Avoid washing winter clothes too frequently. Over-washing can dull the fabric and make it rough on the skin. Opt for spot cleaning whenever possible.

6. Improvised Storage Solutions

If you run out of garment bags, use an upside-down rubbish bag with a small hole at the top for storage.

7. Air Out Cabinets

Cloth moths thrive in dark spaces, so it’s important to regularly open cabinets where winter clothes are stored.

8. Cold Water Wash

Always wash winter clothes in cold water and hang them to dry. This reduces fabric abrasion and helps maintain their quality.

Additional Tips to Make Kids’ Clothes Last Longer

1. Use Mild Detergent

Always use a mild detergent for washing your child’s clothes. Avoid harsh bleaching agents or cleaners.

2. Opt for Spot Cleaning

Instead of washing the entire garment, clean only the soiled areas. This reduces wear and tear.

3. Proper Folding Before Storage

Before packing and storing winter clothes, fold them properly and ensure no stains are left unwashed, as stains can attract moths.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your kids’ winter wear stays in great condition, ready to be used season after season. At Zando, we are committed to providing high-quality winter wear that combines comfort and durability. Check out our latest collections to keep your kids warm and stylish this winter.

Remember, the key to making kids’ winter wear last longer is a combination of proper care, storage, and smart washing practices. With these tips, you can keep your kids cosy and their clothes in top shape all winter long.

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