Back To Work Blues

The first day back at work can be one of the toughest days of the year. Okay, we acknowledge that this is a total first world problem but bear with us. White sand, blue beaches and sunny skies have just been swapped with desks piled with all of last years I’ll-do-those-next-year sticky notes. Let’s not even mention that damned aircon blasting as if it’s trying to freeze the very last bit of soul we have. Welcome back to the daily grind…

How To Prep Your Home For A Staycation

These are a wonderful way to escape from everyday life without the hassle of travel or the expenses that go along with a traditional vacation. With just a little bit of advance planning, a change in routine, and an open mind, time off in your hometown can feel just as novel and carefree as a normal vacation. Here are a few things to consider when planning your staycation…