Singles day

What is Singles’ Day and when does it take place?

In the words of Beyonce; “Me, Myself and I, that’s all I got in the end.” And If you think about it, she’s right and that’s totally okay. In fact, there’s a whole international holiday dedicated to being single and that’s pretty amazing because who doesn’t love celebrating their independence?

What is it and when does it take place?

Singles’ Day was first introduced by Chinese students in 1993 and has since taken off as one of the biggest days on the retail calendar (some might say even bigger than Black Friday). Singles’ Day is observed every year on the 11th of November and it is said to be the culmination of commerce, entertainment and an unabashed show of consumerism.

This Singles’ Day 2022 practice self-love, embrace being alone and treat yourself with a little shopping spree!

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