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Brave Soul

Brave Soul number one goal is to bridge the gap between runway fashion and street style—in other words, turning the high fashion pieces you find on catwalks into the everyday street style we all know and love.

From your favourite comfortable and versatile T-shirts, to the freshest and latest bomber jackets and more, Brave Souls is a brand that excels in delivering the best that street style has to offer.

On Zando you’ll find that the Brave Soul brand caters to both men and women and ranges from accessories such as beanies and socks, through to jackets, jerseys, cardigans, sweat pants, dresses, bodysuits and more. Keeping up with the fast pace of the fashion industry, Brave Soul wastes no time in capturing the trends and translating them into viable comfortable options you can enjoy wearing on a daily basis.

The Brave Soul man will find comfort in familiar favourites that often don a more plain style which is ideal for achieving timeless versatility, keeping your daily outfit rotations fresh and each to achieve. The Brave Soul lady will find her everyday favourites with an up-to-date twist, keeping the cuts and prints new and ever-changing with the seasons so that you stay ahead of trends.

With the extensive range on offer at Zando, you will find you can build up an entire wardrobe of completed outfits and more, all from one brand! How convenient is that?